Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

New issue of ODBRANA

Read about the most important activities in the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces over the past month in Odbrana’s latest issue.
  After the In Focus section, which gives a brief summary of the aforementioned activities, we recommend that you read the Standpoint section, dedicated to the experimental joint tactical live fire exercise "Fire Strike 2024", the aim of which was to improve our military’s intelligence collection and distribution capability and effectiveness of fire support on the modern battlefield, as well as to test the functionality of the organization and Serbian Armed Forces units.
On the occasion of the 185th anniversary of the military medical service, we have interviewed Brigadier General Anđelković, Head of the Military Health Department.
Our System section starts with a story about the summer training of the Fourth Army Brigade scouts. It also contains a text illustrated with excellent photos, about the Serbian Armed Forces’ pontooners, who have once again installed a pontoon bridge to the popular Lido Beach.
Next is our informative report about the Archive of the oldest continuously operating film company in the region - Zastava Film, which has been a treasure house of cinematographic works since 1948. The magazine’s central section also includes an article about the Logistics Training Centre’s medical corps training company.
The System section includes two more interesting stories - about libraries in the defence system, which are "a source of knowledge and a testament to national identity", and a report on the assistance provided by the Serbian Armed Forces to the communities, supplying them with water and repairing their roads.
We recommend that you devote your attention to the text about the 13th class who have completed the Advanced Security and Defence Studies and the 67th class of officers who have completed their General Staff Course. You should also read the story about the Vocational Military High School "1300 Corporals", which provides education to our future non-commissioned officers "on the solid foundations of tradition, with a modern approach to teaching".
Also, in the Education section, read about the promotion of medical textbooks published by Media Centre “Odbrana”, and in the Arsenal section – find out how the famous military rifle - M1 Garand became the Allied powers’ trump card against the Axis.
The History section deals with Aviation Day - August 2, which is celebrated by the Air Force and Air Defence, and the Sport section gives an account of how the Second CISM Balkan Mountain Running Championship went.
The August issue of Odbrana closes with an article about the traditional summer cinema on the Central Military Club’s terrace, which is open to the fans of the 7th art until the end of August.
There are many reasons for you to get your own copy of the August issue of Odbrana, a magazine that is read and kept.