Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Serbian Armed Forces celebrate Patron Saint’s Day

Minister of Defence Bratislav Gašić and Chief of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff Gen. Milan Mojsilović attended a liturgy served today in St. Mark’s Church in Belgrade to celebrate the Serbian Armed Forces’ Patron Saint’s Day - Saint Despot Stefan the Tall.
His Grace Bishop of Lipljan and Military Bishop kyr Dositej concelebrated the holy hierarchical liturgy at the military church with the clergy, and then conveyed greetings from His Holiness Serbian Patriarch kyr Porfirije, and on his behalf congratulated members of the Serbian Armed Forces on their Patron Saint’s Day.
  In his sermon following the liturgy, Bishop Dositej said that Despot Stefan Lazarević (Stefan the Tall), the protector of our armed forces, was keeping watch over us and told us to pray to him to give us strength to defend ourselves in these difficult times.

In May last year, the Holy Assembly of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church passed a decision to grant the Serbian Armed Forces an official Patron Saint's Day – Despot Stefan Lazarević.
Today's liturgy was attended by members of the respective collegiums of the Minister of Defence and the Chief of the General Staff, members of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces and numerous believers.
mp4 (164,89 MB)
Serbian Armed Forces' Patron Saint's Day celebration