Meeting with Military Bishop Dositej of Lipljan
The Chief of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff, General Milan Mojsilović, met today with the bishop in charge of the Serbian Armed Forces’ military chaplaincy, His Grace Bishop Dositej of Lipljan.
The meeting discussed the functioning of military chaplaincy in the Serbian Armed Forces, the work of military chaplains and their assistants, and plans for the upcoming celebration of the Serbian Armed Forces’ patron saint – Saint Despot Stefan the Tall.

According to General Mojsilović, the Serbian Armed Forces are committed to all our citizens, they respect differences and make sure that religious needs of all our service members are met. In addition to allowing our service members to exercise their right to freedom of religion, which is guaranteed by the constitution, the importance of military chaplaincy is also reflected in building up moral strength and perseverance in officers, civilians and soldiers, thereby enhancing the overall capability and readiness of the Serbian Armed Forces.
The purpose of military chaplaincy is to make sure that the members of the Serbian Armed Forces can exercise their right to freedom of religion, as well as to strengthen spiritual and moral values and foster military virtues and patriotism. Members of the Serbian Armed Forces take part in the chaplaincy activities of their own free will and out of conviction, while respecting the obligations arising from military service.