Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Serbian Armed Forces unit ready for deployment in peacekeeping operation

Tactical Exercise Serbian Shield, which tested the skills and interoperability of the Force Protection Platoon to be deployed in support of UNIFIL – United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon, was successfully completed today at Base South and the Borovac Training Area, confirming that the unit is ready to deploy to the area of operations.
  The exercise was organized and conducted in order to assess whether the Force Protection Platoon drawn from the Training Command is ready for deployment in Lebanon, where their primary task will be to guard the base where the UN peacekeeping force is stationed.

While conducting the exercise scenario, the unit was monitored and evaluated by an Evaluation Team from the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff, who concluded that the platoon had reached the required level of skill and interoperability and that it was ready for deployment in the UN peacekeeping operation in Lebanon.

According to the Deputy Head of the Evaluation Team, Major Miša Živanović, the Serbian Armed Forces deploy their best units and individuals to peacekeeping missions, to be worthy representatives of their military and country, ready to face all challenges in the area of operations.
  - During the training and evaluation, we set high criteria simulating real-world scenarios in order to better prepare the platoon members for a proper and efficient execution of the tasks awaiting them during their deployment in Lebanon. In this way, we ensure that the members of the Serbian Armed Forces that we deploy are fully capable of responding to extremely challenging situations - said Major Živanović.
The training activities in the field lasted for several days, during which time, the platoon members solved tactical problems resembling real-world situations they might face in the mission’s area of operations - from marching procedures, to operating a permanent checkpoint and observation station, to implementing anti-aircraft measures and actions in the event of an attack on base or encountering an explosive device.

The evaluation of the platoon’s skills and interoperability was conducted after several months of elaborate preparations that the unit members had gone through prior to their deployment to the area of operations.
  The commander of the Force Protection Platoon, Captain 1st Class Željko Marković, explained that the training consisted of two phases - individual tactical and firearms training, which the platoon had previously undergone in Zaječar, and collective training.
- Collective training is conducted at the Borovac Training Area and at Base South. Exercise Serbian Shield is the flagship of the collective training and it tests the ability of the Force Protection Platoon to perform tasks in circumstances resembling those in the peacekeeping operation. After the evaluation, the platoon is deployed to the UNIFIL area of operations in Lebanon - said Captain 1st Class Marković.
The Serbian Armed Forces have been participating in UNIFIL since 2014, contributing a force protection platoon that works as part of the Italian contingent. The Serbian contingent currently engaged in safeguarding peace in Lebanon comprises an infantry company, staff officers and a group of specialists in charge of support.
mp4 (31,21 MB)
Major Zivanovic's statement
mp4 (46,47 MB)
Captain 1st Class Markovic's statement
mp4 (89,79 MB)
Tactical Exercise Serbian Shield