Minister Gašić visits Serbian Defence Industry factories in Kragujevac
Today, Minister of Defence Bratislav Gašić visited two companies based in Kragujevac - Zastava Arms JSC and Zastava TERVO Ltd.

After the meetings, the minister of defence took a tour of Zastava Arms’ facilities for the production of guns and machine guns and assembly of small arms, as well as the Quality Control unit. At the Zastava TERVO Company, he visited the research and development sector, facilities for the production and technological processing of metals and the assembly and finishing facility.
During the tour of the two companies, Minister Gašić was presented with the newly developed serial production of a new family of modular small arms, as well as with off-road and combat vehicles produced for the Serbian Armed Forces’ needs.

- The Serbian Defence Industry achieves great results within the sphere of the development and production of modern weapons and combat and non-combat vehicles, and the development of new systems is imperative and greatly contributes to the defence capabilities of our country. The Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces continue to strengthen their capabilities, relying on the Serbian Defence Industry factories, with Zastava Arms and Zastava TERVO playing an important part in this process – said Minister Gašić. This is corroborated, he added, by the Serbian Government’s new investment cycle intended for the enhancement of production capacities and development of new technologies for manufacturing modern weapons and equipment for the Serbian Armed Forces.

On his tour today, Minister Gašić was accompanied by Assistant Minister for Material Resources Nenad Miloradović, Head of Office of the Minister of Defence Brigadier General Goran Momčilović and the Head of the Defence Technologies Department, Material Resources Sector, Brigadier General Slavko Rakić.


The tour