Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Day of Second Army Brigade

Members of the Second Army Brigade celebrated the Day of the Unit — 12th July, in memory of the day in 1805 when Serbian rebels liberated Karanovac, today's Kraljevo.

A segment of the celebration that was held in "Ribnica" barracks in Kraljevo, included an overview of the results achieved by the unit in the past period and awards and recognitions were presented to the most deserving individuals.

Reviewing the achieved results, it was stated that the capabilities and combat readiness of the Second Army Brigade were improved in the previous year and that the unit had successfully carried out all the assigned tasks.

The celebration was attended by the Deputy Army Commander, Major General Slađan Stamenković, commanders of the Serbian Armed Forces units, representatives of local self-government, church and religious communities, and numerous other guests.

Today, the members of the Second Army Brigade celebrated the unit’s Patron Saint — St. Peter's Day — a holiday dedicated to the holy apostles Peter and Paul. On that occasion, the Bishop of Lipjan and military Bishop Dositej held the holy liturgy.