Delegation of the Ministry of Defence at Annual Security Review Conference
A delegation of the Ministry of Defence, led by Acting Assistant Minister for Defence Policy Predrag Bandić, participated in the Annual Security Review Conference in Vienna, dedicated to current security challenges in OSCE area of responsibility.

Participating states’ delegations talked about the maintenance and strengthening of OSCE mechanisms for coordinated response to modern risks for security, and preventive joint action aimed at preserving peace and stability.
The delegation of the Ministry of Defence stressed the significance of OSCE as an important international platform for dialogue, and it pointed out the collective responsibility of all members in securing long-term peace and preservation of capability to respond efficiently to modern security challenges.
As a militarily neutral country, dedicated to founding principles of the Helsinki Final Act and United Nations Charter, Serbia emphasises the need to respect provisions of international law, sovereignty and territorial integrity of all states, but it also cautions against the danger of making precedents that undermine the foundations of international relations and making the global dynamics unpredictable.

Reminding of all efficient mechanisms aimed at strengthening confidence and preserving peace that the OSCE has built over almost 50 years of existence, it called upon all member states to prevent further polarisation, and replace the climate of mutual accusations by more productive dialogue in order to find efficient solutions to security challenges that we face.