Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

New issue of Odbrana

The June issue of Odbrana Magazine features an interview with Minister of Defence Bratislav Gašić who has been given the opportunity to head the Ministry of Defence in the Government of the Republic of Serbia for the second time in his political career. He has decided to give his first interview since taking office to Odbrana Magazine because, he says, he wants the members of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces to be the first to learn about his work plans and priorities for the next four years.
  Reading the System section, you can learn about the cadre that is being trained at the “Sergeant Milunka Savić” NCO Training Centre and the Department for Tactics and Weapons Systems, Division of Social Sciences and Humanities of the Military Academy.

We have also marked the International Nurses Day. From our conversations with head nurses and head medical technicians at different military medical institutions, we have learned what kind of profession nursing is.

Another interesting story featured in this issue is the one about the Demining and UXO Disposal Platoon. From 2017 until today, this Prokuplje-based unit has successfully inspected and cleared of explosive remnants an area of ​​855,000 square metres without any mine accidents taking place. They have also examined 28 suspicious holes made by aircraft bombs, detected and successfully destroyed 7,322 items of unexploded ordnance of various calibres, types, and used for various purposes, of domestic and foreign production, from different periods. Find out how an unexploded aerial bomb was destroyed in the Niš city centre.
In this issue of the magazine, you can also find an article dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the Strategic Research Institute, the house of science dedicated to the development of the defence system.
A text in the History section about the victims of fascism in Croatia and the crimes committed in the Independent State of Croatia under the influence of politics will certainly catch your attention.

Find out more about Prof. Elizabeta Ristanović from the Military Medical Academy’s Institute of Microbiology, winner of the prestigious Golden Beočug Award given by the Cultural and Educational Community of Serbia to individuals in recognition of their outstanding contributions to the spiritual development and culture of the city of Belgrade.
We recommend that you also take a look at the competitions that we traditionally publish on the last pages of the magazine.