Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Anniversary of beginning of Battle of Paštrik commemorated

A delegation of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces, led by Brigadier General Goran Momčilović, laid a wreath today at the memorial located in the Field Marshal Petar Bojović Barracks in Leskovac to mark the anniversary of the beginning of the Battle of Paštrik.
  Zoran Antić from the Ministry of Labour, Employment, Veteran and Social Affairs, family members of the victims, participants in the battle, veterans, representatives of the local self-government and citizens also laid wreaths near the memorial to the members of the Armed Forces and Police who died in the 1998-1999 battles against Albanian terrorists and NATO in the AOR of the 549th Motorized Brigade.
In Paštrik, The Yugoslav Army defended the territory of the FRY against a ground offensive that the KLA terrorists tried to carry out from the direction of the Republic of Albania towards Kosovo and Metohija in cooperation with the Albanian Armed Forces and aided by intensive bombing by NATO aviation. Thanks to the brave fight of the border and other units of the Yugoslav Army, the enemy was prevented from breaking and destroying our defence and opening the way for additional infiltration of terrorists into the territory of Kosovo and Metohija. The Yugoslav Army remained undefeated in the Battle of Paštrik and inflicted huge losses on the enemy.
The 549th Motorized Brigade was awarded the Order of the People's Hero for exceptional results in opposing the aggressor and demonstrating true heroism in the war.