Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Visit to 2nd Missile Battalion of 250th Air Defence Missile Brigade

The Chief of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff, General Milan Mojsilović, visited today the command and some units of the 2nd Missile Battalion of the 250th Air Defence Missile Brigade at “Aerodrom” barracks in Pančevo.
He looked into the organization of live and work and the conditions in which members of this unit, established in 2022 and armed with FK-3 air defence missile systems, carry out their tasks.  

During his visit, unit members presented to him the way combat tasks are carried out at the battalion command post, where combat action is planned and executive orders are given to subordinate batteries. They also demonstrated the final activities undertaken to check the degree of coordination and declared combat capabilities of the air defence missile battalion. He also took a tour of the newly built facilities for storing materiel.  

 Speaking about the importance of full combat readiness of this unit for a successful completion of the Strategic Air Defence Turret project, General Mojsilović commended members of the battalion for being committed and highly motivated to fulfil all their tasks pertaining to the integration of this missile system, which they learned how to handle in a short time and demonstrated it in practice.  

The Chief of the General Staff was accompanied on his tour by Air Force and Air Defence Commander Lieutenant General Duško Žarković and the commander of the 250th Air Defence Missile Brigade, Brigadier General Novica Gogić.