“Milan Blagojević – Namenska” marks its 75th anniversary
A ceremony to mark the 75th anniversary of the company “Milan Blagojević – Namenska” was held in Lučani today. To mark the occasion, the company’s managing director, Predrag Ilić, awarded a plaque to the Ministry of Defence as a token of appreciation for a fruitful cooperation. Assistant Minister of Defence for Material Resources Nenad Miloradović, PhD, received the plaque on behalf of Minister of Defence Bratislav Gašić. Assistant Minister Miloradović addressed the audience and congratulated the employees and management on their anniversary. According to him, "Milan Blagojević - Namenska" is a symbol of good reputation, knowledge, quality and trust and it has always embodied Serbian intelligence and modern global technologies. - The factory has had and will have state support. You can be proud of your performance last year, as well as projections for this year and the coming years. In challenging times, spanning over almost three decades, the Republic of Serbia managed to preserve its defence industry when many gave it up for lost and considered it unpromising and redundant. Over the last 10 years, the Government of the Republic of Serbia has managed to consolidate our factories thanks to its determination, persistence and the necessary financial and other measures. It has also managed to increase the number of companies in the Defence Industry Group and help them become a recognizable brand on the world market. The tendency to invest in the additional modernization of technology and the creation of new products, which will meet the needs of the Serbian Armed Forces for modern assets, will continue in the period to come - said Miloradović and thanked everyone for the tremendous effort and results achieved. Ilić expressed his gratitude and satisfaction with all the results achieved so far.
- Three words could perhaps account for such a feeling - tradition, continuity and people. When I say tradition, I mean the path we have travelled, including new products we develop year after year, new markets we conquer, and continuous improvement. That is our mission. Continuity has helped us achieve the results we are proud of. This continuity is supported by continuous investment in infrastructure, modernization, knowledge and expertise. That is why I would like to thank the Government of the Republic of Serbia for their understanding, the Ministry of Defence for their support, and my colleagues for their selfless commitment. Without that synergy, success would not have been possible - Ilić concluded. Appreciation plaques were also presented to Assistant Minister Nenad Miloradović, Military Technical Institute, Military Quality Control of the Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Domestic and Foreign Trade, defence industry factories and business partners and friends.
At today's ceremony, the Serbian Chamber of Commerce awarded a plaque to "Milan Blagojević - Namenska" to mark its successful business. Acting on behalf of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce, Zvonko Tufegdžić presented the plaque to the company’s managing director Ilić. On the occasion of the 75th anniversary of "Milan Blagojević - Namenska", a film about the company’s prosperity and progress was shown to the audience.