Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Balkan Friendship Jump 2024 starts

The traditional parachuting event Balkan Friendship Jump 2024 started today at the sports airfield “Lisičji Jarak”.
The first day was dedicated to training jumps, jumps performed by veterans and sport parachutists, as well as to tandem jumps made from Mi-17 helicopters and Antonov An-2 airplanes.

According to Colonel Nenad Kuzmanović (retd) from the Arhistratig Parachute Club Association, whose members are veterans of the 63rd Parachute Brigade, 100 participants have applied for this year’s event. After making training jumps, they will take part in the parachuting competition. 

- The competition starts on Friday and lasts until Sunday. We hope we will be able to keep everything on schedule, given that the wind is picking up. The opening ceremony is scheduled for Friday, after which, if the skies are clear, the competition will hopefully begin - said Kuzmanović.
  This year’s event will include paratroopers from Serbia, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Slovenia, Hungary, Austria, Germany, Belgium, Bulgaria and the United States of America, who will be competing for the first time.
The Balkan Friendship Jump 2024 is organized by “Arhistratig” – Veteran Parachute Club of the 63rd Parachute Brigade and the Aeronautical Union of Serbia with the support of the Ministry of Defence, Serbian Armed Forces General Staff, 63rd Parachute Brigade, Ministry of Sport, Ministry of Labour, Employment, Veteran and Social Affairs, Ministry of the Interior, Special Anti-Terrorist Unit of the Ministry of the Interior, and parachute clubs “Feniks” and “Delta”.
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