Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

United Nations Instructor Course

An international course aimed at preparing future United Nations instructors to teach the personnel of the UN Engagement Platoon on how to interact with the local population in an AO began at Base South near Bujanovac yesterday.
  The course has been organized by the UN Integrated Training Service, with the support of the SAF Peacekeeping Operations Centre, and the trainees are members of the armed forces of Serbia and 12 other countries.
Over the next two weeks, the future training instructors will be taught to conduct training using the UN training materials for United Nations Engagement Platoon.
  This is a unit comprising specialists whose task is to establish, support and promote dialogue with the local population and governmental and non-governmental organizations in an area of operations, thereby helping the commander to better understand the environment in which the UN peacekeeping force is deployed.
This course is part of the continued support provided by the Republic of Serbia to UN specialist services aiming to build and preserve world peace and affirm the quality of training and preparations offered by the Serbian Armed Forces to troops prior to their deployment to peacekeeping operations.