Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Military paratroopers undergo wind tunnel training

The 63rd Parachute Brigade members, who are undergoing advanced forms of military paratrooper training, have been to Prague for freefall simulator / wind tunnel training.
This is the third time this type of training has been conducted in the Czech Republic. It is a preparation for advanced paratrooper training, which aims to teach paratroopers to perform free fall jumps using special wing-type parachutes, carrying weapons and equipment and landing in a small landing area.   

For two weeks, the brigade members practiced jumping techniques and procedures, focusing on freefall elements and jumping with load bags containing weapons and military equipment. 
The importance of wind tunnel training is reflected in the safety, the saving of material resources and the reduction of time needed for training. Each of the SAF paratroopers has been in the wind tunnel for the period of time equivalent to about 50 free-fall training jumps from an aircraft flying at 4000m.