Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Patron Saint’s Day of Serbian Armed Forces General Staff

The Patron Saint’s Day of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff, the Feast of the Holy Great Martyr George - St. George's Day, was celebrated today at the Banjica 2 Barracks in Belgrade.
  The host of the feast, Chief of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff Gen. Milan Mojsilović, welcomed the guests and offered his best wishes to all members of the Serbian Armed Forces and the citizens of Serbia who celebrate St. George’s Day in Serbia and abroad.  

He said that upholding the tradition and preserving spiritual values is important for the strength of the military collective. The purpose of the General Staff and SAF units having their own patron saint, he said, is to strengthen the spiritual and moral values ​​and patriotism of our service members.
The holy liturgy was concelebrated by the military bishop - Bishop Dositej of Lipjan and the military priests in the chapel of the Holy Great Martyr George, the patron saint of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff.

Members of the Chief of the General Staff’s board and numerous officers, non-commissioned officers and civilians serving with the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff attended the liturgy and, subsequently, the blessing of the gifts and the cutting of the “Slava” bread.
  The Serbian Armed Forces General Staff has been celebrating the Feast of the Holy Great Martyr George since 2018, keeping alive the tradition of celebrating the patron saint in the Serbian army, which began in 1888.
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