Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Chief of General Staff visits Studenica Monastery

The Chief of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff, General Milan Mojsilović, accompanied by his associates, has attended the morning Easter service and liturgy in the Church of the Ascension of Holy Mother of God at the Studenica Monastery.
  After the Easter service, General Mojsilović spoke to the abbot of the Studenica Monastery, Archimandrite Tihon, and the monks. He thanked them for their warm welcome and hospitality and expressed his delight at the opportunity to spend Easter in one of the oldest and most revered Serbian monasteries.
The Chief of the General Staff wished good health to the monks of the monastery, where St. Sava and his father St. Simeon once offered prayers for the Serbian nation, emphasizing that the monks’ indomitable spirit and selfless love for spiritual service were an example and inspiration for members of the Serbian Armed Forces to continue serving their fatherland Serbia with courage and commitment.
  The Chief of the General Staff extended sincere and heartfelt greetings from Studenica to all members of the Serbian Armed Forces and citizens of the Republic of Serbia who observe Easter, wishing them and their family members good health, prosperity, and happiness.