Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Participation in the International Sailing Week of the Naval Academy of the Italian Republic and Livorno

Members of the River Flotilla of the Serbian Armed Forces and cadets of the Military Academy have participated in the International Sailing Week of the Naval Academy and the town of Livorno.

In the framework of the International Sailing Week, the traditional regatta was organised with sailboats Tridente 16 with the participation of military academies’ crews from four continents from 34 countries. The crew of our sailboat consisted of Lieutenant Commander Aleksandar Jovanović and Midshipman Filim Radonić from the River Flotilla and cadet of 146th Class of the Military Academy Sofija Videnović.

The winner of this year’s regatta was the crew from Greece, second place was taken by the host country, Italy, while the third place went to the crew from China. In the great competition of maritime countries our crew took 12th position in the overall ranking.

As part of the competition, a march past was organised where all the participants of the sailing week carried flags of their countries through central streets of Livorno in front of a great number of citizens.

Our delegation was led by Commander Šerif Bajrami PhD who was received by the Head of the Naval Academy Rear Admiral Lorenzano Di Renzo.