Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Specialised Training for Soldiers Doing Military Service

Training Centres of the Serbian Armed Forces are currently conducting individual specialised training for the soldiers doing military service of the intake “March 2024”.

At this phase, the purpose of the training, that comes after individual basic training, is the practical training of the soldiers for the military specialities that they were recruited for, meaning, to perform tasks within their branches or services.

In this segment of training - in seminar rooms, training areas and in the field - the soldiers are trained as members of crews for different types of collective weapons, and they acquire knowledge and skills for the specialities of the services of logistics, telecommunications and CBRN.

This generation of soldiers is going to complete the specialised training in the end of June when they will undergo a test of their competence to execute individual soldiers’ tasks. After that, they will undergo collective training and be actively included in the life and work of Serbian Armed Forces units.

During that period, the soldiers can apply for the admission into professional military service and undergo necessary procedure, by which they will meet the conditions to join the ranks of professional members of the Serbian Armed Forces immediately after completing their military service.