Message from Minister of Defence on Armed Forces Day
Minister of Defence Miloš Vučević has sent a message extending his best wishes to members of the Serbian Armed Forces on April 23 – the Serbian Armed Forces day, which reads as follows:
“I send my warmest wishes to all members of the Serbian Armed Forces on April 23 – the Serbian Armed Forces Day.
This is the day when we celebrate the restoration of our national statehood. The day when the Second Serbian Uprising broke out in Takovo. This day reminds us that our people have great strength and will, courage and wisdom, faith and willingness to make sacrifices in order to win freedom in a battle, and preserve it by building peace. Without an organized, well-equipped, highly trained and always ready military, none of these sacred tasks could be accomplished.
Over the past year, the Serbian Armed Forces have performed their tasks professionally, achieving notable results in forming, developing, training, and equipping our units. The Republic of Serbia has provided military commands, units and institutions with opportunities to procure weapons and military equipment and modernize their operations, which they took full advantage of. The advancement of military industry and cooperation in this area with other countries in the world should be particularly highlighted.
I am certain that in the future you will carry out the assigned tasks and fulfil the duties lying ahead of you in a professional manner. Wishing you a happy holiday, I sincerely hope that you will continue to achieve outstanding results in the period to come, and continue to play an active role in ensuring security in the country and the region, leading the Republic of Serbia to prosperity and a better future.”