Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

SAF members successful in U.S. Best Warrior Competition

Members of the Serbian Armed Forces achieved notable success in the Ohio National Guard’s Best Warrior Competition held in the USA April 04 - 07.
  Sergeant Vlajko Popović from the 72nd Special Operations Brigade took second place in the NCO category, and Serbian members competing in the soldier category placed among the top ten.
The competition involving members of the Ohio National Guard, the Serbian Armed Forces and the Hungarian Defence Forces was held at Camp James A. Garfield near Ravenna in the U.S. federal state of Ohio.
The participants competed in 11 physically and mentally challenging events that tested their physical preparedness, firearms skills and other military technical and tactical skills.
  This is the second time members of the Serbian Armed Forces have participated in the Best Warrior Competition in the USA and only one in a series of activities carried out jointly by the Serbian Armed Forces and the Ohio National Guard through the State Partnership Program, which aims to enhance operational capabilities and achieve interoperability between the two countries’ armed forces, build confidence and improve relations between Serbia and the USA.
Last year, a member of the Serbian Armed Forces, Sergeant 1st Class Ivan Jeremić from the 72nd Special Operations Brigade, won this competition.