In order to provide truthful information to the public and prevent rumours from spreading, the Ministry of Defence announces that at this time, no amendments to the Law on the Serbian Armed Forces are being considered that would change the legal retirement age or reduce the amount of severance pay offered in those cases, nor are any amendments being considered to bylaws regulating the manner in which jubilee awards for professional members of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces are calculated.
We point out that the latest statement released by the Military Union contains much speculation on the above mentioned topics as well as misinterpretation of provisions such as the one stating that the amount of severance pay is regulated by bylaws whose amendment is allegedly being prepared. Namely, this matter is regulated by Article 88 of the Law on the Serbian Armed Forces, whose amendment, we repeat, is not being considered.
We would also like to remind you that the existing regulations allow professional service members to work beyond the normal retirement age if there is a need for it and if the person in question has given their consent for postponed retirement.
Today’s statement released by the Military Union, which contains unverified and incorrect information regarding the status and standards of members of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces, is another failed attempt to misinform our service members and the general public.