Minister Vučević visits Air Defence unit on duty on New Year’s Eve
Tonight, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Miloš Vučević visited members of the 250th Air Defence Missile Brigade unit in the Novi Sad garrison who are on duty on New Year’s Eve. The unit is part of the permanently engaged force responsible for the control and protection of the sovereignty of the airspace of the Republic of Serbia.

According to Minister Vučević, no matter what day it is or whether it is a holiday, the members of the Serbian Armed Forces guard our land and the airspace above it, for which we owe them special thanks.
- Some people will say that it is their job and that it is normal. It is a job, or I’d rather call it an occupation, but an occupation that deserves special attention from all citizens of Serbia, one of the most difficult and responsible occupations. These are the people who protect our country, who keep the peace and are ready to go to places where the situation is the most difficult and in the most difficult times. For that reason, I would like to express my warmest wishes for the upcoming holiday season and a happy New Year 2024 to all members of the Serbian Armed Forces and the Ministry of Defence - Minister Vučević said.

He expressed his satisfaction with the readiness and skills demonstrated by the members of the permanently engaged force, as well as his belief that the sky above Serbia would be safe.
- At the end of 2023, our Air Force and Air Defence is much stronger than it was at the beginning of this year, as are the Serbian Armed Forces as a whole - to the pride of all citizens of Serbia. I would like to congratulate them on this and I wish all citizens peace in 2024 and a merry Christmas. May we preserve freedom, preserve peace, and preserve Serbia. Long live the Serbian Armed Forces! Long live Serbia - Minister Vučević said.

During the tour, the commander of the 250th Air Defence Missile Brigade, Colonel Novica Gogić, briefed the Minister of Defence on the unit's tasks, after which Minister Vučević watched the troops shift to a higher readiness level.
During the visit, the Minister of Defence was accompanied by Deputy Chief of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff, Lieutenant General Želimir Glišović, Air Force and Air Defence Commander Lieutenant General Duško Žarković, Head of the Deputy Prime Minister's Cabinet, Žarko Mićin, and Head of the Defence Minister's Cabinet, Brigadier General Goran Momčilović.