Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Chief of General Staff meets with Military Bishop Dositej

Тoday, the Chief of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff, General Milan Mojsilović, received the archpriest in charge of the Serbian Armed Forces’ chaplains, Bishop Dositej of Lipljan, the current military Bishop.
During the meeting, they discussed the cooperation between the Serbian Armed Forces and the Serbian Orthodox Church, the results of work carried out by military chaplains and their assistants, and the contribution the Chaplaincy Service has made since it was established in the Serbian Armed Forces ten years ago.

According to General Mojsilović, this service is fully committed to the development, building and maintaining the operational capabilities of the Serbian Armed Forces and it has greatly helped boost the morale of SAF members.
The meeting was attended by Brigadier General Savo Iriškić, Head of the Human Resources Directorate (J-1) of the General Staff, whose structural organization includes the Department of Religion, supreme authority on religious matters in the defence system.

The Chaplaincy Service was established in order to ensure the freedom of religion for members of the Serbian Armed Forces, to strengthen spiritual and moral values ​​and to foster military virtues and patriotism. Members of the Serbian Armed Forces take part in religious practices of their own free will and out of conviction, all the while fulfilling their military duties.