Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Serbian Armed Forces Help Citizens Clear the Consequences of Heavy Snow Fall

Upon the order of the President of the Republic and Supreme Commander of teh sErbian Armed Forces Aleksandar Vučić, and in line with guidelines of the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Miloš Vučević, a part of the forces and assets of the Serbian Armed Forces has been put in the state of preparedness to provide assistance civilian authorities in municipalities affected by heavy snow fall.
Accordingly, members of the Serbian Armed Forces have been engaged in the work of all emergency staffs who coordinate the activities of providing assistance to citizens in affected municipalities, primarily in the area of Babušnica, Ivanjica, Nova Varoš, Svrljig, Sjenica, Vranje i Vranjska Banja.

At the request of the emergency staffs, a working group with an engineering machine of the Third Army Brigade has already been sent to Babušnica, while assistance for Svrljig was sent by motor vehicles.

As many times before, the Serbian Armed Forces will be on the ground, monitoring the situation, and, at requests form the crisis situation staffs and received orders from the Supreme Commander of the Serbian Armed Forces, they will engage all available capacities wherever it is necessary to provide all necessary assistance to affected population.