Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Conference on Achievements of EU in Areas of Common Security and Defence Policy Officially Closed

Today’s address of State Secretary in the Ministry of Defence Nemanja Starović closed the two-day conference “New achievements of the European Union in the areas of Common Security and Defence Policy” that was held in Belgrade, and organised by the Directorate for European Integration and Project Management of Defence Policy Sector of the Ministry of Defence, and the Ministry for European Integration, with the support of the European Commission for Neighbourhood Policy and Negotiations.
On that occasion, State Secretary Starović thanked everyone who had accepted the invitation of the Ministry of Defence to participate in the work of the conference. He pointed out that we are the witnesses of the need to defend constantly our values and security that are threatened by a multitude of threats and challenges.

- Selecting a suitable measure and response to a crisis situation is never an easy task. Defence means to develop response services, and to develop adaptability of institutions, concurrently having in mind the interest of the wider community. The success of providing response to crisis situation is higher if we work collectively with our partners in Europe and the world. The missions that involve several states and armed forces are more objective in their assessments, preserving international peace and security, and respecting the rights of individuals and jeopardised groups - State Secretary Starović stated.

He underscored that without minimal preservation of civil, economic and cultural rights of all, regardless of their origin, education, race and gender, one cannot expect to have a stable and secure society.
- In that respect, we are very glad that in its Progress report for this year, the European Union recognised the efforts of the Republic of Serbia and its contribution to regional cooperation. We will continue our work and providing contribution to the maintenance of peace and security in the region and the world, in the spirit of good neighbourliness. We have to observe and plan far into the future, and inform our institutions, determine goals that we endeavour to achieve. We should also include the lessons learned, not only those gained from our own experiences but from the experiences of others as well - the state secretary stressed.

On the basis of the requirements of contemporary geopolitical developments, the Ministry of Defence has a need and obligation to educate and professionally advance all its employees - said State Secretary Starović.

- To make our institutions flexible, the Ministry of Defence has opened itself up for the public, which contributes to the correction of existing procedures and capacity enhancement of that very system. Independent researches, constructive critical thought, sharing information of public interest with expert public that always leads to system improvement. Efforts of ours have been recognised by civil society organisation “Access Info Europe” and “Centre for Law and Democracy” who ranked us at the high third place in the world - State Secretary Starović noted.
The conference was an opportunity to present the changes within the Common security and defence policy since the adoption of the Global Strategy for Foreign and Security Policy in 2016, and it gathered more than 80 representatives of state institutions, academic communities, civil society organisations and diplomatic corps.