Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Meeting of Ministers of Defence of Serbia and Cyprus

Today, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence of Miloš Vučević met Minister of Defence of the Republic of Cyprus Mixalis Giorgallas on the side-lines of the Council for the Cooperation between the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Cyprus held in the Palace of Serbia in Belgrade.

President of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić and President of Cyprus Nikos Christodoulides will attend the Council’s session.

Minister Vučević expressed gratitude for the principled position of Cyprus regarding the non-recognition of the unilaterally proclaimed independence of the so-called Kosovo, and he underlined that Serbia will continue supporting the territorial integrity of Cyprus as well as arriving at an all-encompassing solution to the Cypriot issue through political means. Minister Vučević underscored the importance of mutual support in protecting the sovereignty and respect for the principles of international law, which is the confirmation of a sincere friendship between the two states and two peoples.

As Minister Vučević pointed out, members of the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces engaged in the United Nation multinational operation in Cyprus (UNFICYP) will endeavour in the upcoming period to justify the given confidence with their dedication, professionalism and effort, and they will continue making contribution to the fulfilment of the said mission mandate.

The ministers of defence of Serbia and Cyprus agreed that today’s talks on the issues of common interest were constructive, and they expressed their satisfaction with the cooperation of the two countries, particularly in the field of defence and security.
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The meeting