Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

International Course in CBRN Training Centre

This week, the CBRN Training Centre in Kruševac carried out the course “Detection, dosimetry and protection against ionising radiation” attended by members of armed forces for eight countries.

During five-day long training, attenders from Algeria, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Greece, Italy, United States of America, Slovenia and Spain were trained to work in the conditions of exposure to ionizing radiation.

In seminar rooms and during practical exercises they practised to use the equipment for the detection and dosimetry, techniques of measuring and identifying sources of ionizing radiation, evaluation of effects of the radiation on biological systems and the application of basic protection measures.

The training at this international course was carried out by certified instructors from the CBRN Training Centre and guest lecturers from the Institute for Nuclear Science “Vinča” and Directorate for Radiation and Nuclear Security and Safety of Serbia.

The successful conduct of this professional advancement and a great international interest in the participation in the training in the CBRN Training Centre are still reinforcing the status of this unit as a regional and partner centre for education and training, and they reconfirm a high quality of training conducted in the Serbian Armed Forces in the area of chemical, biological, radiation and nuclear defence.