Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Visit to SAF units in Kraljevo garrison

The Chief of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff, General Milan Mojsilović, accompanied by his colleagues, visited the Army and the Training Command units at the "Ribnica" barracks in Kraljevo today.
  His tour of the garrison gave him an insight into the degree of completion of key tasks, the condition and capabilities of the 2nd Army Brigade and the Transport Service Training Battalion and provided guidelines for further enhancement of operational and functional capabilities.
On this occasion, the Chief of the General Staff briefed the members of the units stationed in these barracks and the commanders of all 2nd Army Brigade battalions on the most important tasks in the period ahead, emphasizing that the comprehensive equipping and development of the Serbian Armed Forces and the improvement of the financial position of its members will continue.
  General Mojsilović was accompanied by the heads of the General Staff’s internal units — Intelligence and Reconnaissance Affairs Directorate (Ј-2) Brigadier General Dragan Arsenijević, Operations Directorate (Ј-3) Major General Tiosav Janković and Logistics Directorate (Ј-4) Major General Srđan Petković, who briefed the group on the most important matters that fall within their competence.