Message from Minister of Defence to mark Military Security Agency Day celebrations
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Miloš Vučević has sent a message to mark November 12 - the Military Security Agency Day celebrations, which reads as follows:
"On the occasion of November 12, the Military Security Agency Day, I would like to convey my congratulations to all members of the Agency.
For 184 years, since the adoption of the Military Law, which elaborates at length various threats to the security of the army, prescribes punishments for treason, escape, rebellion and other forms of individual or collective action, and comprehensively defines security and counter-intelligence measures aimed at protecting the army of the Principality of Serbia, you have successfully performed your tasks, fighting against organized crime, corruption and other potential security threats, showing that you play a key role in the security-intelligence system of both the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces, as well as in the Republic of Serbia.
I wish you a happy holiday hoping that in the coming period you will help improve the security of the defence system and the reputation of your agency."