Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Visit to Training Command units in Kruševac garrison

Chief of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff, General Milan Mojsilović, accompanied by his associates, visited today some of the Training Command units stationed in the Kruševac garrison.
  He inspected the life and work organization, training facilities, personnel housing, material resources and materiel in the Rasina Brigade and the Logistics Training Centre, and received reports from commanders and officers commanding on the degree of fulfilment of ongoing tasks.
During his visit to the Logistics Training Centre, General Mojsilović also inspected the training of soldiers whose military service started in September 2023 and watched professional members demonstrate some of their skills.
A briefing was also held for the critical personnel on the main tasks of the Serbian Armed Forces and plans for further advancement of capabilities, as well as on the measures that are being taken to improve the material position of SAF members.
  During the tour of the units stationed in Kruševac, the Chief of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff was accompanied by Commander of the Training Command Major General Željko Petrović, Head of the Logistics Directorate (J-4) Major General Srđan Petković, Head of the Human Resources Directorate (J-1) Brigadier General Savo Iriškić and Head of the Training and Doctrine Directorate (J-7) Brigadier General Muharem Fazlić.