Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Engineer Corps Day

Military ceremonies were held today in the engineer and pontooneer battalions of the Serbian Armed Forces to mark the Engineer Corps Day, which commemorates November 6, 1865, when the engineering branch was formed out of pontooneers and pioneers who had originally been part of the artillery.
  During the ceremony, greetings were read to members of the units standing in formation, an overview of the past year’s work results was presented and the most deserving individuals were presented with awards and recognitions.
It was pointed out that members of the engineering branch had been engaged in all three missions of the Serbian Armed Forces over the past year, and that by successfully completing tasks in support of other units of the Serbian Armed Forces in peacekeeping operations and by providing assistance to the citizens of Serbia, they had demonstrated high morale and outstanding skills.
  The Engineer Corps is a branch of the Serbian Armed Forces responsible for carrying out engineering activities such as erecting and overcoming barriers and building roads and fortifications. Due to the great number and variety of tasks that engineer units are responsible for, the branch is divided into reconnaissance, pioneer, pontooneer, amphibious, road, bridge, fortification and camouflage specialites.