Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Minister Vučević attends ceremony marking 75th anniversary of Military Technical Institute

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Miloš Vučević attended today in the Guard Club in Belgrade a ceremony to mark the 75th anniversary of the Military Technical Institute.
Congratulating the Military Technical Institute on its anniversary, Minister Vučević emphasized that the development of weapons and military equipment was one of the generators of modern science and technology all over the world. According to him, it would not be wrong to say that the development of weapons has also dictated the development of society and countries in general.

- This has been characteristic of the development of people throughout history. Improvements and innovations in this field have been introductions to new historical eras. The way you defend yourself or attack. A society that was able to keep pace with this development also had the capacity to defend itself, to survive, to progress. Swords and arrows were useless against cannons and guns. The use of artillery and aviation made fortresses and fortifications useless. The only way a country or nation could survive was if it had adequate weapons to adequately respond to attacks. Paradoxically or not, the development of weapons was followed by overall sociotechnological development. These rules were in force in the past, they are in force today and I am almost certain that they will be in force in the future as well - emphasized the Minister of Defence.
  These are simply the laws that govern the modern world, he said.
- Our ancestors knew very well that Serbia could be preserved only if we were independent in terms of the development of weapons. Ever since 1853, when, thanks to a local foundry and local ingenuity, the first Serbian cannons and howitzers were cast. A lot was invested in the military industry and it was a prerequisite for the overall development, which is testified by the obvious fact that in 1884, electric lighting with the capacity of 30 light-bulbs was first introduced in the shell factory in Kragujevac, so that workers could work in three shifts. This took place at a time when, even in Europe, electrification was considered a technological wonder. And in Serbia, electrification started at the shell factory. This is proof that our ancestors were well aware of the fact that we must have a defence industry and that it must be strengthened, because it was a prerequisite for freedom and independence - Minister Vučević said.
According to him, the Military Technical Institute, our country’s largest research institution in the field of defence technology, has been contributing to the development of weapons and military equipment for the defence of the homeland for 75 years now.
  - It is almost unthinkable in Europe, and even in the world, that such a small country has conceived, designed and produced so many weapons and pieces of military equipment in these 75 years. After several years, i.e. decades of crisis, the Republic of Serbia and the Ministry of Defence now provide continuous support to the Military Technical Institute and the factories of the Serbian Defence Industry in their efforts to maintain and improve their potential, thereby ensuring that our country maintains the status as the largest producer of weapons and military equipment in the region. Those who did not care about the development and improvement of weapons and military equipment, who closed down the facilities of the Military Technical Institute and our defence industry factories and who laid off people, acted to the detriment of our country. Not only did they destroy the state's defence capabilities, but they stifled our economic and scientific progress - Minister Vučević said, adding that "nowadays, in light of the current situation in the world and all the crises and threats to peace, it becomes clear how detrimental and senseless was their opinion that we didn’t need a military or a military industry, that all of that was pointless, as well as the policy that was built following that course and that was promoted by certain politicians in the past".

If we destroy the Military Technical Institute, he said, it will not bring about happiness and well-being to Serbia, but quite the opposite - a strong Military Technical Institute, a strong Serbian Defence Industry and, above all, strong Serbian Armed Forces are the guarantors of the peace and progress of our homeland.
  - And that's what we are fighting for – that is why we hired 53 new employees at the Military Technical Institute this year and increased employees’ salaries by 25 percent in August. That's how we fight. Taking concrete actions. When we look through our history, our people have always been the foundation and rampart of our freedom. And the Military Technical Institute is the place where the love for science and the motherland has taken shape all these years and decades as the defence force of our fatherland. This is where love and loyalty to the motherland have combined with science and technological development. This is where the employees have worked, created and thought about the development of weapons to defend the freedom and independence of our country. That has been their mission, vision, goal and, I would say, their dream, their life. Putting their knowledge at the service of the defence of our homeland is what has guided them throughout their lives - said Minister Vučević and told the employees to preserve that knowledge and improve it for the sake of our freedom, ancestors and descendants.
At the end of his address, the Minister of Defence congratulated those present on the Military Technical Institute Day and 75 years of struggle for independence and technological progress.

- I would like to congratulate all generations, from the first to the current one, who have put their energy into a peaceful development of our homeland. Today's generation of employees should proudly follow in the footsteps of the generations that created at the Military Technical Institute before them. I wish you every success in your endeavours to ensure well-being and freedom to our homeland - Minister Vučević concluded.
  Speaking about the most significant achievements of this domestic research institution in the field of defence technology, the director of the Military Technical Institute, Colonel Prof. Aleksandar Kari, said that the development of weapons in Serbia and the survival of the institute had never been questioned.
- Today, when increasingly unfavourable global circumstances are becoming a challenge that we need to find a way to address, the need to strengthen our country, to build and preserve its independence and stability is increasing. In this sense, we need strong, modern and well-equipped armed forces to defend our future. Going through different periods of development and different forms of organizational, personnel and professional changes, the Military Technical Institute has built its identity, exclusively through its results - said the director of the Military Technical Institute.

According to Colonel Kari who looked back on the results the Institute has achieved over the past 75 years, 1,500 items of materiel have been introduced into operational use and 75% of assets used by the Serbian Armed Forces have been developed, upgraded and modernized at the Military Technical Institute.
  The director of the Military Technical Institute, Colonel Kari, presented the Military Technical Institute’s Grand Plaque to Zastava Tervo Ltd Kragujevac, Technical Overhaul Institute Kragujevac and Technical Test Centre.

In recognition of their outstanding contribution to the fulfilment of the Institute’s goals and objectives, the Archimedes Plaques were awarded to Assistant Minister for Material Resources Nenad Miloradović, PhD, General Milorad Obradović (retd), Colonel Milan Gajić (retd), the Faculty of Engineering in Kragujevac and the Defence University.

The director of the Military Technical Institute presented certificates of appreciation for business cooperation over the past year to Krušik Valjevo Holding Company, Zastava Oružje JSCo Kragujevac, Kinetik 011 Ltd Belgrade, Centum Ltd Belgrade and BB Composite Production Ltd Belgrade.
  Today's ceremony was attended by Deputy Chief of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff, Lieutenant General Želimir Glišović, Chief of the Deputy Prime Minister’s Cabinet Žarko Mićin, members of the Defence Minister’s and CHOD’s collegiums, as well as the Military Technical Institute’s numerous associates and guests.
The celebration included the performances of the Mixed Choir of the MoD’s Artistic Ensemble "Stanislav Binički" and the choir of the "Stanković" Music School.

mp4 (553,74 MB)
Minister Vucevic's address
mp4 (565,54 MB)
Colonel Kari's address
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The ceremony