Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

International CIMIC course completed

The international CIMIC course, which was attended by members of the Serbian Armed Forces and armed forces of seven other countries, ended today with a certificate award ceremony at the “Car Lazar” barracks in Kruševac.
During the two-week training, participants attended theory lessons where they learned about the responsibilities and activities of civilian organizations in the United Nations and European Union peacekeeping missions and underwent practical training in performing various roles in CIMIC teams and units.
Besides SAF officers and NCOs, the course was also attended by CIMIC officers from the armed forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Italy, North Macedonia, the United States of America, the Netherlands and Montenegro and representatives of civilian institutions from the Republic of Serbia.
The training was delivered by a mixed team consisting of instructors from the Serbian Armed Forces and armed forces of Italy, the USA and the Netherlands, as well as visiting lecturers from the Sector for Emergency Management of the Ministry of the Interior, the Commissariat for Refugees and Migration and the Red Cross of Serbia.
This international training course, which is organized once a year by the CIMIC Department (J-9) of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff, helps officers and non-commissioned officers of the Serbian Armed Forces improve their CIMIC skills and contributes to the strengthening of bilateral relations with partner countries.