Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Engineer training and road works

Regular training is underway on SAF training grounds near Vranje and on access roads for members of the 4th Army Brigade’s engineer battalion specializing in road construction.
  The training includes carrying out road works and building covers, shelters and firing ranges at military complexes. The training aims to improve the professional personnel’s skills, provide additional training to professional soldiers who have recently been admitted to the unit, and carry out engineer works in military facilities.
The training programme involves the practical use of engineer machinery in real-world conditions for carrying out planned works such as repairing potholes and other road damage, levelling slopes, digging and expanding drainage canals and marking critical road sections.
The trainees are also using state-of-the-art engineer machinery available in the Serbian Armed Forces, which enhances user safety, accelerates the execution of works and provides a far more thorough training.
  Activities like this improve the unit's ability to perform engineering and counter-engineering work on Army operations, and facilitate the daily life of the local population whose only link to the urban environment are the roads that are currently being reconstructed by the SAF.