Eventful day at Book Fair stand of Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces
Secretary of the Ministry of Defence Nebojša V. Nikolić, today visited the stand of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces at the 66th International Belgrade Book Fair. The director of Media Centre "Odbrana", Colonel Biljana Pašić, acquainted him with the latest titles published by the Public Relations Department’s publishing house.

The promotion of the first one, monograph titled "Guardians of the Serbian Sky - 60 Years of the 250th Air Defence Missile Brigade", was attended by Air Force and Air Defence Commander, Lieutenant General Duško Žarković, the former unit commander, General Miodrag Gordić (retd), Head of the Peacekeeping Operations Centre, Colonel Mirjana Milenković, PhD, members of the 250th Missile Brigade, and admirers of this unit, which has been awarded the Order of the People’s Hero.

Commander of the 250th Missile Brigade, Colonel Novica Gogić, Second Commander of the 1st Missile Battalion, Major Vladimir Dvoštanski, and military books editor at the Publishing Department of Media Centre "Odbrana", Lieutenant Colonel Vladimir Počuč, spoke about the book.
Colonel Gogić reminded the audience that the history of the famous unit had been written thanks to a large number of people "who, with their knowledge, work and dedication, contributed to making the unit a strong and powerful pillar of Serbian air defence for more than 60 years", and that this monograph "is a story about the link between people and technology".
The promotion room was filled to capacity during the second promotion, dedicated to the monograph called “Twenty Years of the Serbian Armed Forces’ Participation in Multinational Operations”. Head of the Peacekeeping Operations Centre, Colonel Mirjana Milenković, PhD, Colonel Dragan Ivković, PhD, and Head of the Publishing Department at Media Centre "Odbrana", Snežana Đokić, MA, spoke about the book.

Colonel Milenković said that the monograph had been published to mark the return of the Serbian Armed Forces to the peacekeeping scene after a ten-year break and unpleasant events that had occurred in the territory of the former Yugoslavia.
This was followed by the presentation of two interesting books, which have recently been added to the military publisher’s offer. The first one is the photo-monograph "Serbian Armed Forces through a Lens" edited by MC "Odbrana" editors Mirjana Sandić and Lieutenant Colonel Vladimir Počuč. Photojournalist Dimitrije Ostojić also spoke about the book. The bilingual edition, which according to Snežana Đokić all admirers of the Serbian Armed Forces should have, contains a hundred carefully selected photos of scenes from the lives of the Serbian Armed Forces members and units.
Mirjana Sandić spoke about the purpose of the photo-monograph and its target audience, emphasizing that the publication is important not only for members of the defence system but also for a wide readership. In accordance with the modern way of communication, where the visual leads the way - the goal of the Publishing Department’s creative team was to present the modern Serbian Armed Forces to the general public, especially to the younger generation, through photography, which is a witness of time, events and moments. Lieutenant Colonel Počuč said that photographs uniquely depict the Serbian Armed Forces and their members "in the universal language of photography."
The last promotion today, dedicated to the book "Tactics and Methodology Used by Intelligence and Security Services” by Prof. Goran Matić, director of the Office of the National Security Council and Classified Information Protection and Prof. Milan Milošević, attracted the audience’s attention. The reason for this is the interesting topic related to intelligence and security work.

Matić identifies the speed of technological advancement as a global problem in the 21st century, so he believes that the methodologies he and his colleague have presented in the book are already outdated, and that the development of technology needed for intelligence work can hardly be followed. The co-author of the book, Milan Milošević, followed up on this statement, saying that some postulates, methods and means do not change. This monograph insists on what makes up the core and essence of intelligence and counter-intelligence work, said Milošević, emphasizing that this book is intended for students, pupils, laymen, but also for professionals in this field.
In addition to the book promotions, films from the rich archive of the Military Film Centre “Zastava Film” were screened at the stand of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces today.