Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Media Centre “Odbrana” presents its titles to foreign military attachés

Today, at the stand of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces at the 66th International Belgrade Book Fair, new titles published by Media Centre “Odbrana” were presented to military attachés accredited to the Republic of Serbia.
The titles prepared by the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces for this major cultural event were presented to the military attachés by the director of Media Centre “Odbrana”, Colonel Biljana Pašić.
According to Colonel Pašić, visits from foreign military attachés to the MoD and SAF stand at the Book Fair have become a tradition. She said that three establishments founded by the Public Relations Department of the Ministry of Defence were celebrating important anniversaries this year.
- The Military Printing House celebrates its 125th anniversary, the Military Film Centre “Zastava Film” celebrates its 75th anniversary and the Central Military Club’s Grand Gallery has been the gathering place for the capital’s art fans for 70 years now, which is why we have decided that our slogan at this year’s Book Fair should be “Power of Tradition” – said Colonel Pašić.
Presenting the new titles published as a contribution to nurturing the tradition, she singled out the following books: "Politics of the Defence of Yugoslavia 1945-1959", "Vojislav Tankosić" and "Diary of a Railwayman during the Great War”, and she referred to the "Four Field Marshals" series, about our most important commanders during the Great War, "whose war skills are still studied today at prestigious military academies in Europe and the world".
The director of Media Centre "Odbrana" also referred to a number of important new books in the "Monographs" series, the ever popular and sought-after "Military Technology", as well as the textbooks published by "Odbrana" for the students of the Military Medical Academy’s Medical Faculty and the Military Academy.

- These are just some of more than 100 titles published by Media Centre “Odbrana” since last year’s Book Fair, and in the next few days, we will promote 38 books from different series. Some 350 titles published by MC “Odbrana” can be found at the stand itself.
Touching on the long and rich tradition of military literature, she reminded of some of the numerous recognitions received by “ Odbrana”.

- Our “List of the Kingdom of Serbia’s Military and Civilian Casualties in World War I” has earned us a special publishing venture award of the International Book Fair in Belgrade, and we won the best book fair promotion award for the second consecutive time at the International Book Fair recently held in Banja Luka – said the director of Media Centre “Odbrana”.