Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Memorial service for victims in Kosovo and Metohija

A delegation of the Serbian Armed Forces led by the Chief of the General Staff, General Milan Mojsilović, attended today in the Plavi Horizonti area of Zemun a memorial service for the citizens of Peć who died in Kosovo and Metohija in the period from 1998 to 2003.
On behalf of the Serbian Armed Forces, General Mojsilović laid a wreath at the memorial located in the churchyard at the Church of St. Athanasius the Great and dedicated to the fallen soldiers of the Peć garrison and citizens of all religions and nationalities who died in the territory of this municipality.

The memorial service was officiated and the monument was blessed by the Diocesan Deputy of Zemun-Novi Beograd Protopresbyter-Stavrofor Božo Bakajlić, and in addition to members of the Serbian Armed Forces, representatives of veteran associations and numerous citizens also attended the memorial service.
  The initiative to erect the memorial was launched by the Association “Pećanci za večnost” (Citizens of Peć for Eternity), with the blessing of His Holiness Porfirije, Serbian Patriarch, and the author of the preliminary design and project is architect Prof. Gorica Bojović Ljubenov.