Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Minister Vučević attends consecration of Church of Venerable Simeon (Myrrh-Gusher) in Veternik

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Miloš Vučević attended today the consecration of the Church of Venerable Simeon the Myrrh-Gusher in Veternik and the holy liturgy celebrated by His Holiness Porfirije, Serbian Patriarch, as part of the commemoration of Veternik’s 100th anniversary.
Patriarch Porfirije concelebrated the liturgy with the host - Bishop Irinej of Bačka, Bishop Heruvim of Osečko Polje and Baranja, Bishop Isihije of Valjevo, Bishop Jerotej of Šabac and Bishop Damaskin of Mohacs, and the clergymen of the Eparchy of Bačka.
In his sermon, Patriarch Porfirije said that with the consecration of this church, Veternik has been given a soul, because what a soul is for a person, the temple of God is for a town. He said that this church should be a gathering place for Orthodox Serbs, wherever they live, so that we can show that we are God's people and Christians.
  The Veternik area of Novi Sad was established a century ago, when the families of the Serbian fighters who had survived the Albanian Golgotha and the Salonica front settled in this area, which they named Veternik in memory of Mount Kaimakchalan where they lost their sight as a result of poison gas that was thrown at them during the Salonica Front breakthrough.

In honour of the Serbian Army volunteers and the heroic battle on Mount Veternik in the First World War, a Monument to the Serbian Volunteer has been erected in front of the church.
  The church in Veternik is dedicated to St. Simeon the Myrrh-Gusher, the father of St. Sava. It is situated in the centre of Veternik, and it is considered to be one of the most beautiful late 20th century religious buildings in Serbia.
mp4 (158,41 MB)
Consecration of Church of Venerable Simeon (Myrrh-Gusher)