Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Minister Vučević visits cadets at Training Centre in Sombor

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Miloš Vučević visited today the first-year Military Academy cadets who are doing basic training at the First Training Centre in "Aerodrom" barracks in Sombor.
  Minister Vučević was welcomed by the Rector of the Defence University, Brigadier General Prof. Boban Đorović, PhD, and commander of the First Training Centre, Colonel Lazar Ostojić.
Minister Vučević congratulated the new cadets on their decision to join the ranks of the chosen ones, emphasizing that they are the future of the Serbian Armed Forces and wishing them luck on the military path they have taken.

Speaking about today’s visit to Sombor, Minister Vučević said that he started it by laying a wreath on the grave of Janoš Rauk, a fallen volunteer who died in the 1999 NATO aggression, heroically defending his homeland.
  - A man who voluntarily left this Bačka plain and went to the bare mountainous terrain of Metohija, where the situation was the worst, and laid down his life at the altar of his fatherland, giving the most valuable thing he had - his life so that we can live in freedom and peace today - said Minister Vučević and added that Sombor has paid its debt to its hero by making a nice gesture - placing a memorial plaque dedicated to Janoš Rauk in the elementary school he had attended.
Speaking about the Serbian Armed Forces, Minister Vučević said that even in peacetime, they have numerous tasks and missions.
- The cooperation with civilian organizations, i.e. with the citizens of our country, is carried out in practice through the engagement of the River Flotilla engineer unit. Thanks to this, while the reconstruction of the bridge over the Great Bačka Canal is underway, it is possible to get on with life, traffic continues along the road linking Sombor and Apatin. And I am proud that the Serbian Armed Forces have responded to the request of the city of Sombor and the West Bačka Administrative District in the fastest, most responsible and efficient way and helped the residents - said Minister Vučević.
While visiting the First Training Centre in Sombor, Minister Vučević greeted the first-year cadets of the Military Academy who have, as he pointed out, passed all the tests this year and enrolled at the Military Academy.
  - I believe that in a few years’ time, the youngest officers of the Serbian Armed Forces, the young second lieutenants, will be excellent. We are eagerly awaiting them, and we have provided them with the best training conditions so that they can acquire knowledge, develop their skills, get to know the profession they have chosen and defend their homeland always and everywhere - stressed Minister Vučević.
While observing a part of the cadet training, the Minister of Defence spoke to the future officers, learning how committed and motivated they are.
Minister Vučević was accompanied on his tour by the Commander of the Training Command, Major General Željko Petrović, heads of private offices of the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence, Žarko Mićin and Brigadier General Goran Momčilović, and professors and commanding officers of the Military Academy and the Training Command.
mp4 (245 MB)
Minister Vucevic's statement
mp4 (135,99 MB)
The tour