Members of 63rd Parachute Brigade display great competence
Members of the 63rd Parachute Brigade continually conduct various types of training, both in their home station area and outside their peacetime location, with the aim of keeping the unit’s readiness for carrying out special operations at a high level. The brigade’s combat teams are currently conducting training at one of SAF’s training grounds. Simultaneously, professional soldiers who, following a successful completion of selective training, were admitted to the unit in early August as part of Project 5000, are doing their specialized training.
They received a visit today from the Chief of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff, General Milan Mojsilović, who observed a segment of their combat training and the execution of preliminary firing with infantry weapons. The combat teams practiced the execution of training combat jumps and reconnaissance using drones, while the newly recruited professional soldiers conducted firing practices using the unit’s modern weapons, achieving excellent results.
Following this, General Mojsilović attended the final segment of Basic Parachute Training – the execution of night jumps using assault parachutes. Expressing his satisfaction with the soldiers’ and officers’ competence to perform parachute jumps and reconnaissance missions and to effectively neutralize targets, as well as their responsible approach to tasks and high morale, the Chief of the General Staff said that members of this elite SAF unit are expected to become highly skilled and ready to perform any task assigned to them.