Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Minister Vučević meets with Egyptian President El-Sisi

As part of his official visit to Egypt, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Miloš Vučević met with the President of the Arab Republic of Egypt, Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, in Cairo today.
  At the beginning of the meeting, Minister Vučević thanked President El-Sisi for the warm welcome and the opportunity to discuss both the defence cooperation and opportunities to improve overall relationship between the two friendly countries.

Minister Vučević conveyed the greetings from the President and Supreme Commander of the Serbian Armed Forces, Aleksandar Vučić, to President El-Sisi. He said that extremely friendly relations between President Vučić and President El-Sisi have contributed to the strengthening and development of overall cooperation between the two countries, particularly in the field of defence.

According to Minister Vučević, the political relations between the two countries are traditionally good and friendly, there has been a strong historical tie between them for more than 115 years, which is why the Republic of Serbia intends to preserve and constantly improve them.

Minister Vučević also expressed appreciation for Egypt's consistent and unchanged position on the issue of Kosovo and Metohija.
  During the meeting, President El-Sisi reflected on his visit to Belgrade last year, during which he was hosted by President Vučić, and expressed joy over the fact that it resulted in the improvement of relations between Serbia and Egypt in areas of mutual interest.
The President of Egypt and Minister Vučević also discussed ways to strengthen the cooperation between the two countries, emphasizing that it is based on friendly relations dating back over a century. President El-Sisi underscored the importance of military-technical cooperation as an area in which collaboration can be pursued to the mutual satisfaction of both countries.