Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Visit from Chief of Romanian Defence Staff

Chief of Defence of the Romanian Armed Forces, General Daniel Petrescu, and his delegation are paying a three-day return visit to the Republic of Serbia, at the invitation of Chief of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff, General Milan Mojsilović.
General Petrescu visited today the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff, where he and General Mojsilović discussed the current security situation in the region and the world, the scope of cooperation so far and the potential to further improve it.

During the talks, they expressed their satisfaction with the level of bilateral relations reached so far and confirmed their commitment to further strengthening the cooperation between the Serbian and Romanian armed forces in all areas of mutual interest, particularly in the training of Special Forces and Air Force.
General Mojsilović told his guest that the Republic of Serbia deeply appreciates Romania’s firm and principled support for the territorial integrity and sovereignty of our country and thanked him for the professional engagement of the Romanian contingent as part of international forces in our southern province.  

General Petrescu continued his visit by paying a call to the Military Academy and the Military Medical Academy in Belgrade, where the capacities and remits of these two military institutions were presented to him. Tomorrow, he will visit the 72nd Special Operations Brigade in Pančevo.  
Chief of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff, General Milan Mojsilović, paid an official visit to Romania in September last year. These high-level meetings provide an incentive for further improvement in cooperation, trust building and establishment of neighbourly relations.  
mp4 (145,19 MB)
The welcoming ceremony and meeting