Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Minister Vučević at ceremony to honour Field Marshal Živojin Mišić

Tonight, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Miloš Vučević attended a ceremony to honour Field Marshal Živojin Mišić held in Struganik - the birthplace of the famous military leader, as part of the cultural-historical event "Mišić’s Days".
On this occasion, Minister Vučević was presented with the "Field Marshal Živojin Mišić" Plaque, as a token of gratitude for his personal contribution and support that the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces provide to Mionica municipality. The plaque was presented to the Minister of Defence by the president of Mionica municipality, Boban Janković.
  Addressing the audience, the Minister of Defence described Živojin Mišić as "one of the most remarkable figures in our history", adding that at the mention of his name, all Serbs feel proud and rejoice.

 - In terms of military genius, he is right next to Karađorđe. And in terms of his contribution to national fame, he belongs to the group of the national greats such as Nikola Tesla, Mihajlo Pupin and Milutin Milanković. What they have in common is a great spirit, outstanding talent, creative power, perseverance at work, a highly ethical value system and, above all, patriotism. It is interesting that the hometowns of all the listed Serbian greats are relatively small - Karađorđe was born in Viševac, Tesla in Smiljan, Pupin in Idvor, Milanković in Dalj, and Mišić here in Struganik, in the heart of the Valjevo mountains, where, thanks to his talent, officer training and knowledge, together with his officers, NCOs and soldiers, he will write glorious pages of Serbian and global military history - Minister Vučević said.
  As he points out, one of the characters in "A Time of Evil" by Dobrica Ćosić says that Mišić is "Napoleon of the First World War".

- It was, without a doubt, a way to pay tribute to Field Marshal Mišić, by comparing him to one of the most famous military leaders in the world. However, Napoleon gained fame leading an army of one of the largest European countries, creating an empire, whereas Mišić won his fame in the wars against three empires - Turkish, Bulgarian and Austro-Hungarian and only defending his country. But he did not retreat; on the contrary, he advanced and attacked, fighting against a stronger, bigger and more powerful enemy. He believed in the strength of his people and the greatness of his homeland, and he attacked with his soldiers whom he viewed as his comrades, brothers and sons - stressed Minister Vučević.

According to him, Field Marshal Mišić was an undeniably talented military leader, with a strong character. He placed a high value on honour, honesty and dignity as standards of conduct and landmarks in his own life, setting a good example for the officer corps to follow.
  - He viewed strength of character as officers’ code of honour, and described a lack of character as: "a wicked worm that destroys even the most elementary principles of military life with its magical power." He demonstrated his courage and moral strength especially during the Battle of Kolubara, making a decision as a commander that determined the outcome of that glorious battle for the life of our nation and our country. A decision made by the commander that will push thousands of soldiers into a fierce battle with the belief that the enemy will be defeated and the country defended, but at the risk of the opposite taking place, carries a great burden, made up of soldiers’ lives, the gleam of weapons of his own army, the fate of the country, the honour of his name and historical memory. Many personalities buckled under such a burden, and Mišić's decision took him to the rank of field marshal and into history. And that is what distinguishes great people from others. Taking responsibility at the most difficult times - Minister Vučević said.
Minister Vučević also recalled his famous command to the Serbian Army to retreat, which will be crucial for the victory at Kolubara - "I will not listen to anyone now when I am doing the work for which I am responsible. I have ordered a withdrawal and I stand by it. Give commands to whomever you want, but as long as I'm here it will be as I think is best for this country."
  - For him personally and in his military doctrine and his understanding of national honour and faith, retreating to Serbia only meant providing soldiers with a brief respite and giving them a chance to gather strength for a final and decisive strike. On December 3, 1914, while Serbian howitzers roared victoriously, Žuća's orders echoed in the hearts and souls of the soldiers: "With absolute determination and faith in God, heroes, march forward!” - said Minister Vučević, adding that Field Marshal Mišić had the perfect combination of the best qualities of our people.

In return, Minister Vučević said, Field Marshal Mišić had put that perfect combination of our traits, virtues, at the disposal of the country and the army for the defence of the freedom of his people.

- In return for the blows he had received, Mišić never gave his homeland anything other than patriotic zeal. And the gifts he received from his homeland, he reciprocated with patriotic zeal. With his endurance, he showed us how to live for one’s country and people, remaining a faithful son to Serbia, despite all the honours he had received in his lifetime - said the Minister of Defence.
  According to him, "Mišić’s Days" are an opportunity to build up the trust of the people living in that region in Serbia’s military, defence capabilities, in the readiness of our Armed Forces to carry out missions and tasks assigned to them by constitution, but also trust in the Ministry of Defence that performs its work conscientiously and responsibly.
- In this regard, Mišić has showed us the way. He is not only our teacher of military skill and strategy. He is the father and teacher of honesty and dignity to our officers and men. He is an example of unconditional love for the homeland and the Serbian people. He is an inspiration and a guide. We swear to our Field Marshal that we will work and build the system the way he taught the Serbian people. Thank God for giving us this faithful son of Serbian lineage and birth. May your glory live forever, thank you, our immortal Field Marshal - said the Minister of Defence and thanked the municipality of Mionica for the awards traditionally given to the best officers and for following the development of military sciences and the results of our officers’ work and education.
This year's winners of the "Field Marshal Živojin Mišić" Golden Plaque, which is traditionally awarded to prominent members of the Serbian Armed Forces, are the Head of the Development and Equipping Directorate of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff, Brigadier General Milan Popović, and the best student of the 66th class of the General Staff Training, Lieutenant Colonel Zoran Karavidić.
  The president of the municipality of Mionica, Boban Janković, thanked Minister Vučević for attending the ceremony in front of the birthplace of Živojin Mišić, on the day of his birth and the Mionica Municipality Day.

-  It is a special honour to talk about the man who wrote the glorious pages of Serbian history and entered military books around the world. Živojin Mišić was descended from ordinary people, sharing their fate both in war and in peace. He, who was born as the 13th child in a peasant family, moved into the soul of the Serbian people and became a legend, unforgettable and lasting for as long as we exist. Field Marshal Mišić defended the Serbs, he defended Serbia, he knew very well that life is a constant succession of ups and downs. He loved his region and his homeland and he always emphasized that – said Janković.
  The performance of "Stanislav Binički" Artistic Ensemble of the Ministry of Defence rounded off the ceremony’s rich programme.
The event was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces, the Serbian Orthodox Church and local self-government.

"Mišić’s Days" are organized in honour of the famous Serbian Field Marshal Živojin Mišić, a native of the village of Struganik near Mionica. For 27 years, Mionica has been proudly hosting "Mišić’s Days", the most famous event in the Kolubara District.
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Minister Vucevic's address
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Address by president of municipality of Mionica
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The ceremony