Opened Competition for Student Scholarships. Apply!
The Ministry of Defence has opened competition for the grant of 56 students’ scholarships for the academic year 2023/2024. Nineteen third and fourth year students of basic academic studies, and 37 students of master academic studies will have the opportunity to ensure financial support during their education, and secure their employment in the system of defence.

The students of basic academic studies who gain the status of scholarship holders will receive 50,000 dinars per month, while monthly scholarship for the students of master academic studies will be 60,000.
Entitled to receive the student scholarship are the students of higher educational establishments founded by the Republic of Serbia, autonomous provinces or a unit of self-government, who have been enrolled on the current year of the first and second degree studies for the first time, and whose education is financed by the Republic of Serbia. It is necessary for the candidates to be citizens of the Republic of Serbia, and not to have repeated a single year during their studies, and to have passed all the exams from the previous years of education with the lowest average mark which is defined in advanced for each scholarship.
After completed education, the students who have qualified for the scholarships of the Ministry of Defence will be employed as officers or civilians in Belgrade, Zuce, Jakovo, Pančevo or Kragujevac.

The deadline for applying for the competition is 31st October 2023.
Details about the competition are available at the following link: https://www.mod.gov.rs/cir/20245/konkurs-za-dodelu-studentskih-stipendija-za-skolsku-2023-2024-godinu20245