Successful Conduct of International Exercise “Platinum Wolf 23”
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Miloš Vučević, together with Chief of General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces General Milan Mojsilović, attended the Distinguished Visitors’ Day at the international tactical training exercise “Platinum Wolf 23” in the “South” Base near Bujanovac.

Ambassador of the United States of America in Serbia Christopher Hill also attended the exercise, as well as representatives of armed forces from participating countries and military diplomatic corps.
There were some 600 officers, non-commissioned officers and soldiers who participated in the exercise coming from armed forces of the United States of America, Bosnia and Herzegovina, United Kingdom, Greece, Italy, Hungary, Romania, North Macedonia, Slovenia and Serbia.

Upon the completion of the exercise, Minister Vučević congratulated all participants on successfully executed exercise evaluating it as “very good”. As he pointed out, this has been the eight time that Serbian Armed Forces organised the greatest international military exercise in the territory of our state - the “Platinum Wolf”.
- This is also an occasion for me to express my satisfaction not only with what has been demonstrated today during the Distinguished Visitors’ Day and for the media, but with everything that was organised, implemented and practised over the previous day in the “South” Base. Viewed from the Serbian perspective, this is how the Serbian Armed Forces raise their interoperability, capabilities, equipment and level of training to be able to participate in multinational peacekeeping operations and missions, which is the essence and basic purpose of the “South” Base where we are today, here at the graining area “Borovac” - said Minister Vučevič.

He thanked all the countries that had taken part in the exercise “Platinum Wolf 23”, adding that it was the way in which we reinforces partner relations “without disputing each other’s belonging to certain military alliances or decision to be militarily neutral states”.
- The intention and purpose of entire exercise and today's demonstration is - response of peacekeeping forces. With gratitude to all who have participated, I would specially congratulate to Chief of General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces General Mojsilović, all generals, officers, non-commissioned officers, soldiers, and civilians from the Serbian Armed Forces. We are very proud of them, and of everything that they showed making their entire fatherland, Serbia, proud, and for having risen to the occasion. We will continue participating in activities that are of interest for the defence of the State of Serbia, and for the increase of the level of training, equipment, and capabilities of the Serbian Armed Forces, as a guarantor of peace and independence of the Republic of Serbia - the minister of defence stated.

Ambassador of the United States of America in Serbia Christopher Hill expressed his gratitude for the invitation to attend, as he stressed, that significant international military exercise.
- This is a first rate training area, and it certainly took a lot of planning, training and effort to make such exercise possible, and to make it possible for members of the Serbian Armed Forces and US Armed Forces to work together. I speak on behalf of many Americans who had the opportunity to see how successful this exercise has been, which is a proof of the possibilities and progress of our cooperation - Ambassador Hill stated.

Responding to journalists’ questions, Minister Vučević spoke about further participation of the Serbian Armed Forces in international military exercises.
- The decision of the Government of the Republic of Serbia is in place, which was made on the basis of the conclusions of the National Security Council for the Serbian Armed Forces not to participate in military exercises. An exception has been made for the military exercise “Platinum Wolf 23”, since organising this exercise was the national interest of Serbia, and the interest of the Serbian Armed Forces. With regard to further activities of such of similar character, the Government of the Republic of Serbia will pass decisions, together with the President of Serbia, and military leadership as well - said the minister of defence.

On that occasion, he underlined that the fact that the decision of the Serbian Armed Forces not to participate in international military exercise is still in force, that does not exclude individual decision-making.
- The Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces work, in a synchronised manner indeed, on envisaging a certain level of international military exercises, to be prepared in any sense, from basic administrative to operational and tactical level, to be able to participate if that has been allowed. We will take into consideration everything that is of our interest. I repeat, we are exclusively guided by our national interests, and developing partner relations - Minister Vučević emphasised.

Addressing the present, the minister of defence thanked all participants of the exercise stating his satisfaction with the Serbian Armed Forces.
- It is my belief that it is better to exercise together than to have the events such were those in the 90s. I think that it is in the interest of Serbia, which does not mean that someone gives up on the independent, freedom-loving policy of Serbia or its military neutrality. We wish to have partner relations with all countries that have participated in this military exercise, and with others that have not been a part of this programme. For me personally, it is the most important that I am pleased with our armed forces - the minister of defence stated.

The exercise is organised by Serbian Armed Forces and US European Command with the view of enhancing the interoperability and mutual understanding between the armed forces of partner countries during the execution of peace support operations in an international environment.
On the training area “Borovac” in the “South” Base, members of the Serbian Armed Forces and armed forces of nine countries practise tactics, techniques and procedures applied during the engagement in peacekeeping operations, with the focus on the use of non-lethal weapons; urban terrain combat, base defence, mass gathering control and work on check points are parts of exercise activities envisaged by the exercise scenario.

The international exercise “Platinum Wolf” has been carried out in Serbia since 2014, and its significance is reflected in raising capacities for planning, organising and executing international exercises, and in increasing capabilities of Serbian Armed Forces’ units for their engagement in multinational operations.