Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Minister Vučević visits Serbian contingent at UNFICYP headquarters

As part of his visit to Cyprus, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Miloš Vučević visited today the Serbian contingent at the headquarters of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP) and met with the mission leadership.
  Minister Vučević was greeted by Senior National Representative Major Dejan Živanović, following which he held a meeting with members of the Serbian Armed Forces, the Blue Berets serving with UNFICYP.

During the visit, the Minister of Defence learned more about the history of the mission and the participation of our service members in it, he was briefed about the state of affairs and the activities carried out in the area of operation and got a firsthand view of a high level of professionalism demonstrated by the Serbian service members when performing mandated tasks.  

At the mission headquarters, Minister Vučević met with Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General and Head of UNFICYP Colin Stewart.
  During the meeting, Head of Mission informed Minister Vučević about the significance of building trust between the two sides, arranging contacts and negotiations, and resolving crises. Head of Mission Stewart highlighted the outstanding professionalism of SAF members serving with UNFICYP.

Minister Vučević also met with Force Commander of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus, Major General Ingrid Gjerde, today.

During the meeting, Minister Vučević thanked General Gjerde for good cooperation, professionalism and support provided to the SAF contingent.

General Gjerde briefed Minister Vučević on the organizational structure of the military component and its responsibilities under the mission mandate. She also praised members of the Serbian Armed Forces serving at UNFICYP’s headquarters and multinational MP platoon, saying that they are carrying out their tasks professionally and responsibly. Good cooperation with all other mission members was also highlighted.
  During today’s visit to UNFICYP headquarters, Minister Vučević signed the guest book inscribing the following message:

“Knowing that the greatest military achievement is to preserve national peace, members of the Serbian Armed Forces have professionally and honourably performed their tasks in the United Nations mission in Cyprus.
Thus they enhance the reputation of the Serbian Armed Forces and the Republic of Serbia as a whole on what I proudly congratulate them.
Being engaged within the mission of the United Nations, the Republic of Serbia again steadfastly proves its dedication to preserving international public order and founding principles of the United Nations Charter.“
mp4 (83,47 MB)
The visit