Minister Vučević: Our country is safer when the Serbian Armed Forces are stronger
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Miloš Vučević and Chief of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff, General Milan Mojsilović, observed the training at the military airfield “Morava”, conducted by members of the Serbian Armed Forces using modern weapons.

- Today, you could see a display of what the Serbian Armed Forces have introduced into their armament and military equipment, in terms of UAVs and of course the fighter-bomber aviation modernization program. I am really proud of the entire staff of the Serbian Armed Forces, literally everyone, from the Chief of the General Staff, General Mojsilović, to the people who work here every day, who have worked here for years, even decades, and who have managed to preserve the Serbian Armed Forces, their resources, and are now involved in the modernization of the Serbian Armed Forces - said Minister Vučević.

According to him, today’s display shows how much the Serbian Armed Forces have progressed over the past several years.
- We have now got the most modern weapons and equipment that many countries do not have, not only countries in the surrounding area, but worldwide, and thus we have become safer and more secure. Our airspace and our country are certainly safer when the Serbian Armed Forces are stronger, better equipped and better trained. And this is just a hint of everything that we are going to do with the Air Force and Air Defence, making our homeland, Serbia, and all its citizens proud - Minister Vučević said.

This was also an opportunity for members of the 98th Air Brigade to demonstrate a segment of their flight training and to showcase their state-of-the-art weapons and military equipment.