Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

March class undergoes field training

The infantry and artillery soldiers whose voluntary military service started in March this year have undergone practical training at the “Pasuljanske Livade” Training Ground.
  During the training that lasted for several days, the soldiers upgraded the knowledge and skills they had acquired at the Army Training Centre, where they are serving at the moment. At the training ground, they learned about the way life and work are organized on the ground and were trained to carry out defensive and offensive operations. They also did firing practices using infantry and artillery weapons. 
The infantrymen fired 82mm and 120mm mortars, whereas the artillerymen did firing practices, fire for record and demonstration firing using the “Gvozdika” self-propelled howitzers. They achieved good and excellent scores, proving that they were disciplined, responsible, motivated and capable of carrying out basic fire missions. 
  Once they return to their units, the soldiers will face the final part of individual specialized training and evaluation of skills in performing tactical missions and using branch-specific weapons in combat. Finally, they will be transferred to SAF units for collective training.