Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Minister Vučević Opens Exhibition “Military Hats and Helmets from Middle 19th Century until the Present”

Today, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Miloš Vučević has officially opened the exhibition “Military hats and helmets from the middle of 19th century until the present” in the Historical Archive of Novi Sad, which was set up in collaboration with the Ministry of Defence in the framework of marking the Serbian Armed Forces Day.

On that occasion, Minister Vučević expressed his satisfaction with the opportunity to open that exhibition in a week dedicated to marking the Serbian Armed Forces Day. He also underlined the historical significance of observing the Serbian Armed Forces Day on 23rd April, which marked the successful uprising back in 1815 when Miloš the Great had summoned his brothers and sister to resist the terror and occupation.

- This is why 23rd April was designated as the Serbian Armed Forces Day upon the decision of our state. However, it would be insufficient and unfair to our glorious tradition, and history of the Serbian Armed Forces, and our fatherland to dedicate just one day in a year to this date, this anniversary or the establishment of our armed forces. That is why, the Ministry of Defence together with the Serbian Armed Forces, and with all of you, dedicates this entire week to the Serbian Armed Forces Day through different events. Yesterday, we also had a fantastic performance of the Ensamble “Stanislav Binički”, and here we are today in Serbian Athens and European Capital of Culture, in Novi Sad, opening an exhibition dedicated to a segment of the military history and tradition - Minister Vučević said.

The minister of defence stressed: “This exhibition is a reminder of the glory of the history of our armed forces, and how our military has developed. It developed in the same manner as the people and society of the state have developed.
- The military is an inherent part of our people, not only of the society but first and foremost of the people. There were periods in our history when we did not have the state. There were also periods of history when we lost our statehood due to historical circumstances, under the pressure of larger powers, and sometimes because of our own mistakes. Hovewer, the freedom-loving spirit, which somehow has always been channelled towards the people’s military, was never erased, and no one was able to break it. Hence, it is only natural that, today, we are all here together. Owing to a great collector, Mister Kragić, who selflessly shared with all of us what he has been gathering for years, not only making proud himself and his family, but the entire community, entire state, we can yet again see how the Serbian Armed Forces developed over time - Minister Vučević pointed out.

On that occasion, he noted that the exhibition, apart from culturological, possessed educational character as well, and a strong educational and pedagogic component.

- It is the matter of patriotism, love for one’s people, one’s state. It is the matter of upbringing as well, something that is instilled in you in childhood or inherited from parents, from fathers, mothers, from grandfathers and grandmothers, or simply from the tales of one’s people, events, experiences, and today, of course, using modern media. Through these new technologies, young generations familiarise themselves with the events that took place before them, which in a way guides them, obliges them, and tells them what and how they should act in the future. May this exhibition, which possesses a historical undertone, be dedicated to future generations, and may this be an exhibition dedicated to the youngest, so that they become aware of the relay that they are inheriting, which will in a way guide them and orient them to become better than us one day - Minister Vučević said.

Mayor of Novi Sad Milan Đurić underlined that Novi Sad is the town of culture, the young and science, and that it has been the town of the military ever since its establishment. 

- Today’s exhibition in the Archive of Novi Sad is dedicated to our armed forces, and 150 years of existence of our armed forces are presented here through the exhibition of hats and helmets. They are a symbol of identity, and they represent professionalism, discipline, tradition, belonging to the armed forces - Mayor Đurić emphasised.

As Director of the Historical Archive of Novi Sad Petar Đurđev stressed addressing the gathered, that is a facility best equipped for the safekeeping of archival material in the area “from Budapest to Istanbul”.

- In these seven years, we have managed to make this a new, cultural centre of Novi Sad. We see that impulses of our cultural work have reached a degree that makes us a worthy collaborator of the Ministry of Defence today. We have shown that in the synergy of the Ministry of Defence, the town, cultural institutions and private sector, we are able to present something important for our cultural heritage, since words: the Serb and soldier are almost synonymous. The Serb and a soldier seem to be two deeply connected notions which determined one another and set up our cultural heritage, tradition and history - Director Đurđev said.

At the exhibition, whose author is Zoran Veljanović, the presented objects are a part of a collection of a collector Dejan Kragić from Novi Sad, and the exhibition presents several dozens of museum artefacts chronologically organised by periods, states and branches.
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