Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Minister Vučević lays wreath at Monument to Pilots – Defenders of Belgrade

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Miloš Vučević laid a wreath today at the Monument to Pilots - Defenders of Belgrade at the Zemun Quay to mark the Beginning of the Second World War Remembrance Day.
The fascist and Nazi forces, Minister Vučević reminded, conducted a cowardly and vile attack on our homeland 82 years ago.

- We bow in reverence to the spirits of those who showed the greatest bravery in those difficult April days, in the April War, and we lay wreaths to pay them our respects and express eternal gratitude of the present and future generations to brave pilots of the Royal Air Force who managed, in an unequal situation, to take off and defend the sky of our then country and even managed to deliver some blows and carry out some attacks on the territory of the fascist and Nazi countries, the first ones in the Second World War – said Minister Vučević.
The time that followed, the Minister of Defence said, somehow forced us to forget the heroism of our pilots, fighters, heroes.

- Today, Serbia stands tall, not being ashamed of its history nor the people who were the bravest among us. As we pay tribute to the bravest ones, including 11 pilots who were killed in the skies over Belgrade, we also remember all the other victims who died in the April War and during the Second World War occupation. May they be blessed forever and may those who cowardly attacked our country and those who betrayed their pledge and failed to defend their homeland feel eternal shame – said Minister Vučević.
Wreaths were laid by the SAF delegation led by Air Force and Air Defence Commander, Lieutenant General Duško Žarković, representatives of the Ministry of Labour, Employment, Veteran and Social Affairs, representatives of the City of Belgrade and associations preserving the traditions of the Serbian liberation wars.

The wreath-laying ceremony at the Monument to Pilots – Defenders of Belgrade marked the 82nd anniversary of the bombing of Belgrade, which was the beginning of the Nazi Germany’s attack on the Kingdom o Yugoslavia in the Second World War.
mp4 (115,19 MB)
Minister Vucevic's statement
mp4 (90,4 MB)
The wreath-laying ceremony